Difference between translation and transcription

Who need transcription
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Who needs translation or transcription services?

Growing up from your infant years, you only have one thing to learn, Language. It is because as a baby, your only tool to make others understand what you need was through crying. Psychologically, babies learn very fast how they can achieve their goals, mostly, by imitating others around them and the movements in their surroundings. For instance, if they see someone eating a cookie, taking it out of a jar, they’ll do the same even if the jar is placed on a shelf higher than their range. But as they grow up more, they also learn that they can get things by asking or telling. And it makes things easier for them. This is the reason why we humans, love to learn new dialects, languages, and accents as they allow us to reach our goals and we enjoy accessibility among other things.

But languages are not the same, just as much as they are exclusive, they are mutual too. A person living in Spain and a person living in Colombia has one thing mutual, they both speak Spanish with fluency and thus share something very special. Apart from daily conversations, books, media, and entertainment, languages serve some other purposes as well. However, for those purposes, language services are required.

Language services are not something that most people need every day which is why they don’t understand the phenomenon of translation and transcription. Knowing the difference between both can be helpful if you are in need of either service because when you know what you need, you can hire the right person or agency for the job.

  • Who need transcription?

    Transcription is the process in which the words spoken in an audio file are written down as it is. Law firms, paralegals, and attorneys often need transcription services. Healthcare professionals, students, and lecturers also need transcription services often. Transcription is not easy, which is why only experts can handle it.

  • Is transcription the same as translation?

    Transcription is the process in which a person listens to an audio file and writes down the spoken words in the same language. In translation, the language of a text, audio file, or video is changed to make it understandable for the target audience. Both transcription and translation have different uses and are not the same.

  • What is transcription in translation?

    When an agency is handed over an audio file for translation, they will need to write down all the words first. They will have to get in touch with a transcription expert. The transcription expert will move every word from the audio file on to a piece of paper, which can then be translated by a linguistic expert.

  • How do transcription services work?

    People get in touch with a transcription service provider whenever they need to convert an audio file into text. A digital audio file will be shared with the service provider, which will then be forwarded to one of the experts. The expert will listen to the file and transcribe the spoken words either on a piece of paper or in a computer document.

  • What is the process of transcription?

    Transcription is the process in which an expert listens to an audio file on headphones and transcribe the spoken words on a piece of paper or on a computer file. Transcription is an important service for various industries. From Healthcare professionals to law firms and lecturers to students, everyone needs transcription services.

  • What is transcription and translation?

    Translation is the process of changing the language of a document to make it understandable for the target audience. In transcription, an expert has to listen to an audio file and transcribe the spoken words in the same language on a piece of paper or on a computer file. Both services are unique and have different uses.

  • What are the three stages of transcription?

    RNA Transcription has the following three stages:
    1. Initiation
    2. Elongation
    3. Termination
    It is the process in which a gene’s DNA sequence is copied to make a new RNA molecule. It is called transcription because the DNA sequence is transcribed during the process. It is an important biological process that happens in everyone’s bodies.

  • What happens during DNA transcription?

    During the DNA transcription process, the information which is contained in a single strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of RNA. The type of RNA that gets a new molecule is called messenger RNA or mRNA. The process becomes possible because of an enzyme known as RNA polymerase.

In order to understand the difference between translation and transcription, let’s find out what the terms mean:


In transcription, a written or printed copy is made of an audio file. Whatever is being said in a recording is added on the paper verbatim. Apart from being useful to a lot of businesses, transcription is also pretty helpful for hearing impaired people.

Here are a few basic uses of transcription:

Research Institutions:

Transcripts are like the backbone of research. Without transcripts, saving vital information in a forward manner, wouldn’t have been possible. Researchers interview a lot of people during the study, and in order to save the time of the subjects, the interviews are mostly recorded in audio files. Research data is needed in a written form so researchers can analyze it and that’s where transcription services prove useful.


We are all in living in the fast lane, so no one has time anymore to write down statements. Journalists and reports record everything but to go through that information they need it in written form. And a transcript is what saves the day at the end. Transcription services help them read everything and create their piece for their publication easily.


Educationists have a very serious responsibility on their shoulders. They are the source of credible information for their students. And to do that in a professional and clear way, teachers, lecturers, trainers and professors record presentations, meetings, dissertations, and more. But they all need transcription services to convert that material in the physical format so it can be used as a reference during lectures or uploaded to the school/college website.

Transcription Services
Translation Transcription services


The process of changing the text of one language into another is called translation. It is different from transcription because in transcription the words of the audio file are written down in the same language, but in translation, the words are changed into another language.
The most common uses of translation are:


When businesses decide to expand into another country, they need translation’s help to advertise their products or services to the local audience. From websites to apps, slogans to logos, brochures to blogs, brands all around the world utilize the expertise of translators to reach their audience on a larger scale. Translation helps businesses cross the language barrier and reach out to the people that would have been unreachable otherwise.


When people apply for immigration to the U.S. from non-English speaking countries, they need a certified translation of their birth certificate. Without the English translation of the birth certificate, the immigration application will get rejected.
No matter which country you are applying to for immigration, you will need your birth certificate translated into that country’s official language. Only with the help of translation, you can apply for immigration and fulfill your wish of moving to the country of your dreams.
And this is just one example, depending on different types of visas, various other documents are also required by immigration, of course, translated into the language of their destination country.


There are plenty of ways medicine can take advantage of the uses of translation. If a patient is consulting a doctor in a different country, a translator can help the doctor understand the patient’s case history by translating old reports. Medical reports’ translations also help pharmaceutical companies target different countries.
We hope that the above information was helpful in clearing out the difference between translation and transcription, and you can now hire the right service and service provider when you need a language service.

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us