Format of Documents Before Your Certified Translation and After

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Format of Documents Before Your Certified Translation and After

Do you ever think about why we don’t wear our pants over our chest and our shirts on our legs? You may think that only an idiot would raise such a question but for a moment, forget the question and focus on the answer. We don’t wear our clothing items this way simply because they are designed for a particular portion of our body. You can’t put your gloves on your feet even if they have space for five fingers. It’s not even that you can’t, but you wouldn’t simply because that would be stupid. You can know immediately where something goes just by looking at it.

Humans also follow the same pattern. Parents may force their children to pursue a certain career but it is only when they are in the class that matters to them the most that they come alive. Humans and the things we handle in our everyday lives all have an inherent design and they work according to it. What is design in humans is called format in documents. No matter which country you belong to, the documents created there will have a particular format. The format include things like which information comes first and which doesn’t feature on the paper at all.

Without the essential information and seals, a document cannot be considered original. The official seal of the issuing office and the sign of an official are the most important thing on any document. The format is also very important and is followed by all the documents. A birth certificate issued in one part of a country will look the same as the birth certificate issued in any other part of the same country. The format of these documents, however, vary from country to country. Those who are expert at checking documents can sometimes tell the origin country of a paper just by looking at the seal and the format. But the issue of the format can be very confusing to people when it comes to the matter of translation.

Types of Document Translation:

Every person has a special folder in their house full of all of their important papers. These records come handy throughout a person’s life. But when someone is moving to another country, these documents are the first thing they should get in order. From birth certificates to academic degrees, everything will play an essential role in your immigration or job application. If you are married, you won’t be able to prove it to an embassy without your marriage certificate.

But there is one problem with presenting your papers to an official body of a foreign country and that is the language barrier. If your papers are not in the official language of the country where you are applying for immigration or admission, you will need their translation. There are various types of translation but when it comes to document translation for immigration, job, or admission application, there is only one type that you will need and that is certified translation. It is considered to be the most accurate type of interpretation and that’s why immigration offices only accept it. It is accompanied by a signed statement of the translator where he or she attests to the accuracy of the document.

uts certified translation

When you have to apply for immigration, you must get certified translation of your document before time. The country you are applying to will have listed all of their requirements on their immigration website. You can find out from there which documents’ translation you will need to present to the immigration office and be prepared beforehand.

  • How do you certify a translation document?

    Only qualified and experienced translators can certify a translation document. A qualified translator drafts a statement to attest to the quality of their work. They add their contact details and signature on the statement. The finished document will be called the certificate of accuracy. Once the document is signed, the process of certification will be complete.

  • Can I translate my own documents?

    If you are a qualified professional, you can translate your own documents. But if you are applying for US immigration then you cannot translate or certify your own documents. One of the rules of USCIS is that applicants cannot translate their own documents. So, if you are applying for immigration, it is better to hire a qualified professional for the translation of your documents.

  • What is official translation document?

    Official translation, also known as certified translation, is a type of linguistic service that can only be handled by experienced professionals. In this type of service, a linguistic professional completes the translation and then drafts a statement to attest to the quality of their work. The certificate of accuracy is what makes the translation official.

  • How do I translate a document to print?

    If you need to translate a document and then get it printed, then you should get in touch with a qualified expert. Once you have received the translated document, you can easily print out the PDF. Some translation agencies also offer hard copies so you don’t have to worry about getting the print out yourself. You can get a print out of the translation from the agency directly.

  • What are the three types of translation?

    1. Certified Translation: It is the most accurate type of translation that is needed for official purposes.
    2. Business Translation: This type of translation makes it possible for companies to expand into different countries.
    3. Legal Translation: Documents like last will and testament, agreements, and contracts are translated by legal experts to help all the parties involved.
  • What is the most important type of translation?

    The most important and popular type of translation is certified translation. Whenever an individual needs the translation of their official document, they will have to get this type of service. It is the only type of translation that is accepted by officials. Without this type of translation, people cannot get through the process of immigration.

  • How do you translate a document professionally?

    A qualified translator:

    • Goes through the source text to understand the context
    • Creates a rough draft first
    • Reviews the draft to eliminate all kinds of errors
    • Rereads the translation to make sure there aren’t any mistakes
    • Drafts a statement to attest to the quality of their work
    • Signs the statement and add their contact details on it
  • How many types of language translators are there?

    There are as many language translators as there are industries that need linguistic services. Business translators help companies connect with a foreign audience. Legal translators make it possible for the speakers of different languages to understand contracts and agreements. Technical translators allow users to make the most of their devices by accurately translating manuals.

Format of Documents Before and After Translation:

There are a lot of rules that need to be followed when a certified translation is carried out. Accuracy is an essential for sure but there is also the matter of the format. Many people think that after getting translated, the document should follow the format of the documents of the country where you are applying. But that would be a grave mistake on your translator’s behalf. A certified translation has to bean identical copy of the original document with only the difference of the language. If it doesn’t look the same as the original paper, it will not be considered accurate and as a result, will be rejected. A confusion like this can end up with your immigration application getting rejected.

certified translation

The format of a document that underwent certified translation should be exactly the same as that of the original document. If the two papers are laid side by side, it should be immediately visible that they are the same record in two different languages. The format has to be the same from start till end and a little difference in it can ruin its authenticity. An experienced translator would know this rule and make sure your interpretation is exactly how it is supposed to be. But if you go to someone who doesn’t know how certified translation works, they will end up making a mistake in the format.

The best option is to go for a reliable language service provider. They have plenty of qualified translators on their team and years of work in the field to their credit. They know the requirements of immigration offices across the world and will help you fulfill the language related requirements. If you want to get a certified translation that is accurate and follows the same format as the original document, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a good agency that understand the complexities of the job required of them.

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us