Most Common Visa Interview Questions

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Most Common Visa Interview Questions

Men have been traveling overseas either for leisure, study, or work. People love to travel. Everyone has their reasons for traveling. Almost everyone wants to go to places in search of fun and new experiences. Moving from places to places is regulated by corresponding governments. Some nations have stricter policies than others. Applying to visit or stay in other countries sometimes is a challenge. We are required to follow the necessary steps for approval. One of the essential documents to set foot on other nations is our visas. We need to follow strict policies in attaining our visas. We need to pass through interviews and other processes in achieving it.

Some people travel because they feel like their stuck in a rut in their daily life and they learn something exciting and different. They crave for new experiences and new challenges. Traveling to other places pushes others to extend their limits and lets them get out of their comfort zone.


Others travel to learn. They want to acquire a new set of knowledge and skills from the places they visit. Experience is the best teacher. Seeing the world is more educational than just hearing it inside the classroom, watching photographs or reading descriptions from books. People travel to learn other’s culture, language, food, and many more. Travelers gain awareness of new customs, cultures, people, and places.

Travelling opens the mind of the traveler. You may learn that there are different ways to live your life if you are traveling. You can meet people with different experiences and see the world in their perspective. You can only see the different aspect of life until you have personally visited another place. Going to another place makes you discover and consider fresh ideas. Exposure to other places, people and culture give you a more comprehensive view of the world.

Most Common Visa Interview Questions

Sometimes people also travel to reflect on their life. They need time and space to let their minds wander. They go to gain a fresh perspective on what to do with their lives. Others go to appreciate life. People can also visit places to build and strengthen their relationships. Other people want to escape their demanding job, breakups, losses, and poverty. People travel as they seek what they don’t have at home.

We need our visas to visit places that we want. A visa interview is sometimes a challenge for many. Interviewers ask questions that might determine the fate of your approval. The following list contains the most common problems in a Visa interview.

Where do you reside in the country?

The interview wants a detailed address of your residence. Applicants need to provide a detailed location of its temporary residence or its secondary residence.

Which college/university do you study at? Are you on a scholarship there?

The question is asked for students. They need to mention the name of the college/university and give the interviewer the address of the institution. They are also required to explain the terms of their scholarship if they have one. It is also advised to bring your school IDs for the interview.

What is your educational qualification? Do you plan on studying in any of the Schengen countries?

Applicants need to mention their highest educational qualification. They need to discuss the course that they are interested in studying in their chosen country. They also need to state the date that they plan to take the course.

Are you married? Is your spouse/partner traveling with you? Why/why not?

Mention the name and occupation of your spouse if you are married. You need to mention the name and occupation of your partner if you are unmarried but have a partner. Inform the interviewer if you are traveling with your partner or wife. You also need to explain the reason why she can’t go with you for the trip.

Do your parents/in-laws live with you?

If yes, discuss the details about them, including their name, age, occupation before retirement, permanent place of residence, and so on.

Do you have any children?

Mention the gender and name of your children if you have any. Provide also the details of their work, whether they are minors or adults and if they plan to accompany you on the trip or not.

What do your children do for a living?

It’s best to get more information about their employers and job profiles if your children are employed.

Your sibling/friend/parent is working in the area. Are you going to meet them for a job?

It’s essential to give the interviewer details about the person’s place of residence, employment details, and visa specifications. If your goal is to travel, ensure the interviewer that you are only visiting the country on travel and not on business. Provide the detail if you plan to work with relatives in the place.

Other questions include:

1. Do you run a business, or are you working at a company?
2. Do you intend to take up a temporary job/internship in the area?
3. Did you contact the university/company in the country, or did they contact you? How many places have you applied at and where have you gotten through?
4. Do you have a Leave Approval Letter from your employer?
5. When was the last time you paid your income tax?
6. Who is financing your travel?
7. Do you own property in the country or state?
8. Who will take care of your property/business when you are on your holiday?
9. What is the pension amount you get? Who is funding your trip?
10. What are the countries you are visiting on your journey?
11. Why are you traveling to this country/countries?
12. Are you going alone or with another person?
13. Have you already made the travel and accommodation arrangements in the country of the visit?

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us