What Are The Arabic Generations Differences?

Arabic Generations
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Anyone who thinks that the lessons they have learned in their life will also be useful to their kids needs to understand what a generational gap is. The world is changing so rapidly that what a person learns will not even help someone a few years younger than them. Everyone is facing the challenges the world has thrown at them in their unique way. Everyone’s experiences are valid. But they are rarely similar. This is something we have to understand if we wish to minimize the gap between different generations. It is only affecting the workings of society. So, the sooner we begin to understand our problems, the quicker we will be able to solve them.

Arabic Generations:

The gaps between generations depend on various factors. The Arabs have a long history. A lot can be learned about the previous and current generations by studying the history of the people. It’s important to remember that religion has played a huge role in the history of the Arabs. Without studying the religious aspect, it is impossible to develop a complete understanding of the culture of the Arabs. It is also important to remember that the Arabs are divided into different countries. Although they share a lot of similarities, they do have some differences too. All the countries in the region have their unique cultures, which has also further created a divide between generations.

Arabic Generations Differences

Traditional Beliefs and Customs:

In order to figure out the challenges different generations face in the Arab world, it is important to learn about their beliefs and customs first. Since religion plays such a huge role in the everyday lives of people, it also affects customs and traditions. Here are the main beliefs and customs:

Traditional Beliefs and Customs
  • The Arabs believe in one God.
  • They believe that God controls everything in the life of a person. They think that a person does not have any control over their fate as it is written by God.
  • They think that the separation between the state and the church does not exist.
  • Sharia or Islamic Law is given the most importance by both the states and the people.
  • There are certain rules that everyone has to follow while visiting a holy place like a mosque. Walking in front of a person who is praying is not allowed. Dressing modestly is also very important. Even non-Muslims should not enter a mosque if they are not dressed properly.
  • Families matter a lot to everyone in the Arab world. They place their love for their family after religion, and professional life comes at the end. They would compromise on their professional duties only to be with their families.
  • Like other Asian countries, the family structure is tightly knit. It is not just the immediate family that matters but also relatives and extended family.
  • They highly value guests and are some of the most hospitable people on the planet. But they also love receiving invitations from friends.
  • Handshakes between men are very common in the Arab world, but hugging is only reserved for close friends.
  • Segregation between men and women on social events is common. This is done to stop people of the opposite sex, interacting with each other in public places.

What are the Arabic Generations Differences?

The traditional beliefs and customs are common in all the Arabs. They have been passed down to younger generations too. But there are a few differences that have divided the different generations. Here are the most common differences:

  1. Technology:

The older people did not have access to technological devices. But the younger Arabs were born at the time when the world was experiencing a digital revolution. They immediately became dependent on modern devices. But there are various effects of technology. For instance, it has also inspired younger people to learn English due to it being the most popular language on the internet. Since older Arabs never paid much attention to English, it has created a divide between them and the younger people.

  1. Flexibility:

As employment problems increased, the younger generations learned to be more flexible so they can adapt to the changing conditions. But the older Arabs are more rigid in their beliefs and don’t believe in compromising. They grew up when oil discovery was making their countries rich. They don’t think that they have to be flexible to survive in the world.

  1. Nationalism:

The Arabs have a great love for their country. But it is the older generations that consider their country to be superior to all other states. This sense of nationalism still exists in younger people, but they don’t believe that their homeland is superior. They are also quick to criticize the policies of their governments, something which the older people might consider offensive.

  1. Communication Skills:

This problem exists almost everywhere in the world. Older people are not good at communicating. They prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves, even when sharing them can help. The younger people, on the other hand, are more open and not afraid to speak their minds.

The generation gap is a problem everywhere in the world. Older people think that only they have struggled in their youth. They fail to recognize the problems the youth of today are facing. People of both age groups are unwilling to learn about the struggles of each other. Once we get over this issue, we will begin to see how much we can benefit by staying united.

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