What Are The Differences Between Sicilians and Italians?

Differences Between Sicilians and Italians
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10 Ways You Know You’re Sicilian (and Not Italian)

If you’re Sicilian, you may identify with these cultural differences between Sicilians and Italians. Even if you grew up in Italy, you may find yourself more connected to the culture of Sicily. Keep reading to learn more about 10 ways Sicilians are different from Italians!

1) Thinking Pizza Sauce Comes in Tubes

One of the biggest difference between Sicilians and Italians is that the former is an autonomous region while the latter is comprised of 20 different regions. In other words, Sicily is its own country within a country.

And while the Italian language is the official language of Italy, Sicilian has been spoken in Sicily since the 13th century. Northern Italy is well-known for being prosperous thanks to the Alps. However, Southern Italy’s poverty can be traced back to the 18th century when it was colonized by France and Spain for over 300 years.

2) Stuffed Calzone Meals for Lunch

In the 20th century, Western Sicily was annexed by the Kingdom of Italy, which resulted in a big difference between Sicilians and Italians. The Sicilian language is completely different from Italian and is spoken by a minority of people on the island. Sicilians are also known for their love of stuffed calzone meals for lunch. Here are 10 ways you know you’re Sicilian (and not Italian):

1. You love stuffed calzones for lunch.
2. The Sicilian language is your first language.
3. You’re from Western Sicily.
4. Your family has been on the island for generations.
5. You have a strong regional identity.

is italian and sicilian the same thing

3) We don’t do buffalo wings

Italians from other regions might not understand our obsession with chicken, but that’s because they don’t know what they’re missing. Buffalo wings are a staple of Sicilian cuisine. We use a special blend of spices and sauces to give them their unique flavor, and we make sure they’re always cooked to perfection. These wings deserve the same love as everything else on the menu! They come in a large portion size, and are best served hot or cold. If you want some spice in your life, then you have to try this dish at least once!

2) My secret for making perfect baccala: I love baccala so much, I just can’t stop ordering it at restaurants even though I’m disappointed more often than not. But my secret is really simple-don’t overcook it!

4) Getting Our Hair Cut by Someone Else

In Sicily, it’s not uncommon for women to get their hair cut by someone else. In fact, it’s considered a sign of beauty. Women will often go to the salon together and have their hair cut by the same person. This is because in Sicily, it’s all about relationships. And what better way to show your relationship with someone than by having them cut your hair?

is sicilian italian

5) Walking Everywhere

When you live in Sicily, you walk everywhere. It’s not that public transportation isn’t an option, it’s just that it’s so much easier (and cheaper) to walk.

This means that Sicilians are generally more fit than Italians, since they get their steps in on a daily basis. In Italy, most people take the bus or car because they are too lazy to walk. As a result, they tend to be heavier and less healthy overall.

6) Using Our Hands Instead of Fingers When Counting

We use our hands to count instead of our fingers. When we want to say one, we hold up our index finger. To say two, we hold up our index and middle fingers. For three, we add our ring finger to the mix. And so on and so forth until we get to ten.

We have a total of five fingers per hand but still rely on using our hands as opposed to individual digits. If you are curious about this quirk, it’s because when counting in Sicily, most people will use their right hand when they go over numbers that are higher than six. Italians, on the other hand, will only use their left hand for numbers that are over six.

7) Wearing Black Every Day of the Week

In Sicily, black is always in fashion. You’ll never see a Sicilian leave the house without being fully dressed in black from head-to-toe. In fact, many consider black to be the only color worth wearing. Italians, on the other hand, are much more likely to be seen in brighter colors and patterns. If you see an Italian person leaving their home dressed in all black, it’s usually because they are going to a funeral or going out for some sort of evening event that requires formal attire.

8) Respect for Grandparents

In Sicily, grandparents are held in high esteem and respected for their wisdom and life experience. They are often involved in raising their grandchildren and imparting their values to the younger generation. In Italy, while grandparents are also respected, they are not as involved in day-to-day childrearing. Italians tend to live with their parents until marriage, so grandparents often only see the grandkids on Sundays or holidays.

sicilian vs italian
italian and sicilian

9) Realizing Your Parents Spoke Two Languages Fluently But Won’t Teach You Both

You might have grown up in an Italian-American home where your parents spoke both English and Italian, but they never really taught you the language. As a result, you can probably get by with a few key phrases but you’re not really fluent. And that’s okay! Here are 10 ways to know if you’re Sicilian (and not Italian).

10) Getting Compliments About Your English

If you’re Sicilian, you know that getting compliments about your English skills is a constant occurrence. Whether you’re at the store, the bank, or just out and about, people are always telling you how good your English is. And while it’s nice to be recognized for your language skills, it can also be a bit frustrating. After all, you were born in Sicily and raised speaking Sicilian!

Official language Sicilian vs Italian

While both Italy and Sicily have Italian as their official language, Sicilians have their own regional dialect that includes influences from Greek, Arabic, Norman French, and Spanish. This is due to Sicily’s unique history and position as a crossroads between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. So while an Italian might say Buongiorno to greet you in the morning, a Sicilian would say Bonasira.

Sicilian Cuisine vs. Italian Cuisine: What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between Sicilian cuisine and Italian cuisine? While the two are both parts of the larger Italian cuisine umbrella, they do tend to differ on several important points, like ingredients and general style. Here’s a look at some of the major differences between the two styles so that you can enjoy each to its fullest, depending on what you’re in the mood for!

Italian Language

Italian is a Romance language spoken by around 60 million people worldwide and is one of the official languages of Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, and Vatican City. It’s also one of six official languages of the European Union, despite having only limited recognition in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Slovenia. The standard Italian language comes from northern Italy in an area known as Tuscany while Sicilian is a dialect that developed in Sicily during the period of Arab rule there from 827 to 1091.

The Sicilian Dish

The Sicilian cuisine and the Sicilian Dish is much different than that of the standard Italian cuisine. Sicilians use a lot of spices, salt, and garlic in their dishes, which makes them a bit more flavorful. The region also has active volcanos, so it can be said that Sicilians are descendants of people who have been living there for thousands of years.

Eastern Sicily

The east coast of Sicily is known for its active volcanoes and its delicious cuisine. North Africa has played a big part in eastern Sicily’s history, which makes it different from other parts of Italy that have been influenced by European culture more than anything else. Sicilians eat mostly seafood, which is a popular choice for people living near the coast, and many dishes include couscous as an ingredient as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. We are passionate. When we love, we love with our whole hearts. And when we’re angry, watch out!

2. We’re family-oriented. Family is everything to us and we would do anything for them.

3. We’re foodies. From homemade pasta to gelato, we know how to enjoy the good things in life.

4. We’re proud. We take pride in our heritage and our culture.

5. We’re hospitable.

Sicilians are loyal, passionate, and hospitable, with unmatched zest for life, deeply valuing family, work, hobbies, and guests.

Although Sicilians and Italians share Mediterranean heritage, distinct differences exist. Here are 10 ways to identify Sicilians.
1. Born in Sicily? You’re Sicilian, while Italians come from various regions, but Sicilians are exclusive to Sicily.
2. Sicily’s proximity to Africa influences its cuisine, distinct from mainland Italy, with bold, unique flavors.

Although Sicily is part of Italy, it has distinct autonomy, culture, history, cuisine, and dialect, especially in areas like Mount Vernon or Belmont. Sicilian dialect differs greatly from standard Italian, so it’s normal to not understand it if you’re unfamiliar. Sicily is also home to most of Italy’s active volcanoes, adding to its unique geographic features.

Though often called a dialect, Sicilian is a distinct Romance language with unique grammar, vocabulary, and ancient influences.

If we can help you with any questions, please feel free to contact us