
Languages of America- Some Fun Facts!

Languages of america
(Last Updated On: October 17, 2023)

Languages of America, if you are interested in the differents languages have a look in our infographic. The main languages spoken in America are more diversified than it may look like at first glance. The English only law is effective in only 3 states with 23 states conducting their governmental affairs in languages other than English if need be.

Languages of america: Have a look at our Infographic!

Universal Translation Services has made a nice little info post with our very own info graphic for our guests. Of course, the most common culture of other languages lies in States with a Spanish population, such as New Mexico, Texas and Florida because they see a lot of Spanish descendants who are not fluent in English, but are still a significant part of the system.

The need for multiple languages when conducting business with the US government’s public affairs office is best presented by the fact that in 2000, the census bureau printed the standard census questionnaire in six languages English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Tagalog.

Even the Native Americans have their own languages that is a significant art of linguistic collage of the land. The largest Native American speaking community, Navajo has a population of 178,000. Dakota has a population of 1800 and central Alaskan 16,000 and Cherokee 22,000.

The most significant concentration of no- English speakers at home in the United States is in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Illinois, Florida, Texas, Nevada and New York. New York has a substantial population of diverse language speaking communities with Chinese, South-East Asian and many other language speakers at home.

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Languages America

The concentrations of foreign language speakers

Universal Translation Services has gathered that the languages of america in the United States other than English are spoken in the following concentration with relation to their geographical spread.

  • 62% speak Spanish (34.5 million speakers
  • 19% speak another Indo-European language (10.3 million speakers)
  • 15% speak Asian or pacific island language (8.3 million speakers)
  • 4% speak another language (2.3 million speakers)

German- The language of the descendants!

The most celebrated descendants in the United States are the Germans. German descendants have always been very proud of their heritage. In fact, they are the largest and the only self-proclaimed descendants in the United States!

German descendants are most focused in Pennsylvania as they immigrated in that area the most back in the 1950s. 49 million Americans currently claim to have German ancestors- the biggest self-described ethnic group in US although only 1.24 million Americans speak German at home.
Yiddish is also a very widely spoken languages of america with Yiddish words making regular appearances in English language.

In 2009, 148,000 United States residents spoke Yiddish. We all say Mazeltoff! For congratulations and Wotz for Joke! Chuptzpah is the word we all use to push our friends as it is the word for daring and audacity.

Universal Translation Services is here to help you with translation in all of these languages and they are here to help you get the translation that you need. We are the best translators in the business and we are here to give you the best translations for your needs.


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