What Are The 15 Top Friendliest Cities For Tourist

Top 15 Friendliest Cities for Tourists
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Almost everyone loves traveling, but the number of times we travel varies from one person to the next. There are many things people have to think about before they decide to go on a trip. They can’t just pack up their bags and visit a foreign country without any research. They must know in advance about hotels, places to visit, and shops. Tourists should also be aware of the local customs, so they don’t engage in any offensive activities. But above all else, a tourist will feel nervous about the way they will be treated by the locals. Everyone wishes to receive a warm welcome, but not all the places on earth are welcoming.

What are the Top 15 Friendliest Cities for Tourists?

Although every city is not welcoming, many of them are. And it is the travelers who decide how welcoming a place is. Based on their votes and comments, we can figure out which places are ideal for everyone. Here is a list of 15 of the friendliest cities for tourists that everyone should consider visiting:

  1. Tokyo, Japan:

Japan has that dreamy attraction for many people. But if someone wishes to visit the country, they should pick Tokyo as their destination. Not only is it an excellent tourist destination, but its citizens are also very welcoming. But keep in mind that the city has a population of over 35 million. So, if you are not a fan of big crowds, you can pick some other options from this list.

  1. Oslo, Norway:

Norway is not only one of the safest countries in the world, but also one of the happiest. Oslo is the capital of Norway and offers so much to its tourists. Above all, its people are very friendly and always ready to assist foreigners. So, you won’t have to worry about getting lost in Oslo; somebody will gladly help you find your way.

  1. Abu Dhabi, UAE:

UAE is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but it is Abu Dhabi that takes the first spot when it comes to friendliness. The huge expat community in the city is always ready to make foreigners feel at home.

  1. Glasgow, Scotland:

For anyone wishing to get a break from their busy city life, Glasgow is the best destination. But it is also a very welcoming place and treats strangers very well. Many travelers vote it the friendliest place in the world.

  1. Berlin, Germany:

Berlin may have a turbulent history, but today, it is one of the best places in Europe. It is also one of the ideal locations for tourists. Anyone visiting the city can visit the historical sites and get to enjoy the hospitality at the same time.

  1. Bruges, Belgium:

Known for its cobbled streets and medieval buildings, Bruges is another European city that welcomes foreigners with open arms.

  1. Dublin, Ireland:

The place that makes its way to almost every list of best tourist destinations is Dublin. The nightlife of Dublin is another attraction for foreigners.

tourist citites for travel
best tourist spots
  1. Chiang Mai, Thailand:

Who doesn’t want to visit beautiful Thailand? It has so much to offer that it is on everyone’s bucket list. But if you are wondering what’s the friendliest place in Thailand, then visit Chiang Mai and prepare to become friends with local vendors.

  1. Queenstown, New Zealand:

No one should pass up an opportunity to visit New Zealand. The unmatched beauty of New Zealand can be witnessed in Queenstown, which is the friendliest city in the country. Many tourists have ended up falling in love with the Queenstown lifestyle.

  1. Honolulu, Hawaii:

Many people go to Honolulu for its beaches and end up getting amazed by the hospitality of its citizens. Not only are the locals welcoming but they also love to share their traditions with foreigners, so you will get to learn about their culture too.

  1. Geneva, Switzerland:

This multicultural and multilingual place is ideal for foreigners who wish to visit or live in Switzerland. No one can feel out of place in Geneva.

  1. Manchester, England:

Manchester is another multicultural city that is warm and welcoming to foreigners. Locals love chatting up with foreigners. You can watch sports with them and feel like you have been friends with them your whole life.

  1. Budapest, Hungary:

Known for its history, Budapest is the best city in Hungary in many aspects. Its people are known for their great sense of humor. They love to make strangers laugh, which is why they are always accepting of foreigners.

  1. Lisbon, Portugal:

Portugal, as a whole, is known for being very friendly to tourists, but Lisbon takes the crown. If you asked someone for directions, they would personally show you to the location to make sure you don’t get lost again; this is how caring the citizens of Lisbon are.

  1. Vancouver, Canada:

The amazing multicultural community of Vancouver is always ready to help foreigners. The citizens of Vancouver share a great bond too. Socializing is pretty simple for foreigners in this city because of its locals. It is also a safe place, which is why tourists can feel comfortable when they are in Vancouver.

If you encounter an impolite person on your travels, it will ruin not only your mood but also your vacation. But don’t let one bad encounter affect your judgment and give other cities a chance before you decide to come to the conclusion that every place is equally bad. You will be surprised by how fun traveling can be if locals are nice to you.

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