Facts About Endangered Language Adithinngithigh

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Have you ever heard about the Addithinngithigh language? We can bet, no. There are many unusual languages like this in the world. If you’re into languages and language descriptions, their literature their grammar, the vocabulary of languages, and ancient endangered languages, this article is for you. We will talk about the Addithinngithigh language. And how languages die? why it is important to preserve languages which only a few people speak? A how dominating languages are becoming a cause of the extinction of these languages?

Facts about Endangered Addithinngithigh language

There are many African, Indian, and European languages that very few people speak. One of them is the Addithinngithigh language. Addithinngithigh language is an aboriginal Austrapurely spoken in Cape York Queensland. Aboriginal languages are 300 indigenous and local languages. Ancient families of Australia used to speak these languages.

Aboriginal languages started becoming endangered after people started speaking other regional languages. The most important reason for this negligence towards these languages is due to the dominant languages that are prevailing in the world and all the attention they are gaining due to the globalization of the world. Because people always want to do what the ruling class is doing. It becomes a trend.


History of Ancient Aboriginal Australian Languages

You must be thinking about what are aboriginal Australian languages. Let’s dive into the history. Indigenous Australian families and people used to speak these languages. Indigenous Australian people are those who purely belong to Australia even before British colonization. These people used to live in Australia and its islands. There are also called First Nation people. These people used to speak aboriginal languages.

One of the very famous aboriginal languages is the Tasmanian language. But when colonization happened, people more likely to adopt British culture and their languages. And now very few people know and speak these languages. Even if those who know these languages do not have accurate and precise knowledge. There are 90 aboriginal languages that still somehow managed to survive.

They have less than 100 speakers. According to researchers and linguists, these languages are soon going to die. Because the next generations are not inheriting them. You must be thinking how these languages were so much neglected to the point that most of them endangered and getting extinct. When Australia was colonized, the young generation of aboriginal families was not allowed to live their families.

Most of the children were sent to institutions where they were not even allowed to speak their languages. Children were forced to learn British languages and if they speak their indigenous languages they used to get punished. This is how these languages died. There are a handful of people alive, who can speak aboriginal languages. Because their ancestors worked hard to keep these languages alive. And they passed it to their next generations to keep their culture and values alive.

Why Languages are Important

Languages are very important. They are an important bridge between people and it plays a vital role in communication. Language makes us better and superior to other species. If not for languages we would have been like wild animals with no way of expressing themselves whatsoever. A language is not mere accents and new words. It is like the sponges which absorb the culture, rites, and traditions in themselves.

Generations pass their culture to the next generation through the literature of a particular language. Its symbols and letters are not less than art for its people. Language lives with its speakers. They lose touch with the shrinking number of their speakers.

Language Preservation

Just like people, languages also need someone to take care of them. They also need someone to keep them fresh in their memories to prevent them from becoming extinct. What if people start neglecting them? Well, it ends up in the death of that particular language. And the term “language” represents the death of a whole age! The future generations become devoid of its essence and delicacy.

Many languages age more than hundreds of years. But they are now on their way to extinction. For example, there are more than 3000 languages that have only 10,000 speakers each. And this number is becoming thinner with time. In the chase of modernity and success, people are losing their connections with their native languages. In other words, they are cutting ties with their traditions unknowingly. The extinction of any language costs ethnic and social values of that particular society.


How New Languages Evolve and Old Languages Die

Languages evolve with time. But sometimes in the name of evolving, the original is lost. Moreover, when a language becomes dead, we also lose its essence and its literature. So, it is evident that it is of vital importance to preserve a language for its people. Only in that way, they will be able to enjoy their very own traditional values. It is extremely important to take care of minor languages to keep them alive both for their people and the world.

Language’s extinction is a very dangerous thing because each language is unique and contains words from their respective regions and cultures so when a language dies a part of that culture also dies. Language gives identity and a sense of belonging to people and with the death of that language, their sentiments die too. There are 7000 languages people speak all over the globe. There are several dialects, accents, etc.

Languages arise from the need for communication and once two users understand and agree upon a word it becomes a part of the vocabulary of that language. Similarly, many words and utterances join together to form a language.

A language is passed from one generation to the other while new words are constantly being introduced. In this way the language becomes known.  When people stop using any language it becomes extinct. Because the new generation adopts new languages which are trendy and forget their languages. In this way many languages are present and many have gone extinct.

Dominant Languages Play Their Role in Endangering Old Languages

English has become more of a standard than just a language. Other nations are not only adopting the cultures of the world’s dominating nations but also their language. As a result, few languages dominated others and many old languages are endangered and extinct.

The chances of a person who knows English is likely to get a job than a person who does not know English. So, the emphasis on English as a language and its importance becomes great. As a result, it is more focused upon than the native and indigenous languages.

These languages are thus losing their significance and fewer users remain who speak in these languages. Regional language centers are established for this purpose and they work towards the goal of promoting the importance of these languages. Because languages are not only words, these are assets of nations. Languages and land have great sentimental value for patriot people.

If you want to learn more about languages, keep reading our blog. We are always in search of new topics to talk about. And our researchers welcome you to share your thoughts on their work. For all your translation needs, feel free to get in touch anytime.


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